For most users, both Visual Studio both VB and C# are supported roughly the same; the only significant difference is Visual Basic's background compiler. 对于大多数用户来说,VisualStudio对于VB和C的支持基本上相同;最大的一个区别是VB有背景编译器的存在。
It also has a decompiler which is used in conjunction with the background compiler to make incremental changes when working in the Visual Studio IDE. 它也包括一个反编译器,在VisualStudioIDE中被用来协助后台编译器实现增量改变。
Meanwhile C# is finally getting a background compiler. 同时C最终获得了一个后台编译程序,而非VB那样的完全的编译器。
The FORTRAN 90 calculating program of the waterhammer pressure in intricate pipe systems of water power station has also been gived on the VISUAL FORTRAN background compiler. The data processing of the program is flexible and prone to be transfer. 在VisualFORTRAN编译平台上,利用FORTRAN90语言编制了水电站复杂压力管道水力瞬变水击的数值计算程序。